January 08, 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Well, you should see what’s coming out the Pantry Door! Here she is, my pal Munching Myrtle, wearing a pink tutu (thinks that will make her part of the pink Hockey Team), a big smile, with her arms above her head………………carrying a 300 gm President’s Choice EXTRA DARK Product of France CHOCOLATE BAR!!!!

It is so heavy for her, she’s teetering back and forth.

She has looked at the ingredients and says 1/8 of the bar has 4 g protein and 4 g fibre.  She has now fallen over with this big thing on her lap, staring and waiting for an answer.  It is 4 am and a little hard to process at this time of the morning.  The little pink tutu moves every 5 minutes or so – it’s hard to ignore.  We’ll see!

Bits and pieces today. 

Same old, same old health wise – just trying to stay healthy by avoiding any colds/flu carriers and getting lots of rest, eating healthy, getting lots of protein, fibre and  trying to save my energy.

I’ve always wondered:

·         Why we see lots of deer around here until hunting season starts – then they disappear until the end of hunting season which is December 31st .  On January 1st, they reappear – do you think they get an email telling them the danger is over?  It’s also interesting that the big Daddy Buck will send ‘the wife’ and little ones ahead of him to make sure everything is okay, then HE steps out into the open……………..
·         Did you ever notice birds gathering on a wire around the same time each night (at least in the summer time) – sitting side by side ON THE SAME WIRE – how do they know where to meet?  There are hundreds of thousands of wires in the area, yet manage to go to the same one! Do you think they have emails too?
·         How do Christmas Cactus plants know when Christmas time is here?  (at least everyone but mine)
·         We have a LOT of birds flying in large flocks around the farm here – how and why do they never run into each other and fall to the ground?

I got this in an email the other day and thought it was cute but also food for thought:

 Today, we're giving you a D AILY SURVIVAL KIT to help you each day............
Toothpick ... to remind you to pick the good qualities in everyone, including yourself. Rubber band ... to remind you to be flexible. Things might not always go the way you want, but it can be worked out. Band-Aid ... to remind you to heal hurt feelings, either yours or someone else's.
Eraser ... to remind you everyone makes mistakes. That's okay, we learn by our errors. Candy Kiss ... to remind you everyone needs a hug or a compliment everyday. Mint ... to remind you that you are worth a mint to your family & me. Bubble Gum ... to remind you to stick with it and you can accomplish anything. Pencil ... to remind you to list your blessings every day.

Now for my rant for the day:

A baby named Veronica was born to a mother with two other children – the mother gave her up for adoption – the adopted parents were in the room at the time of the delivery and agreed to an ‘open adoption’ where the mother could be involved in the life of the little girl.  This was done for two years.  Veronica was raised in a loving home, bonding with her loving new parents.  The father signed off on the child, agreeing not to participate as long as he didn’t have to pay child support.

THEN, because the father is part of the Cherokee tribe, either he or the Tribe, decided that Veronica should be exposed and raised as a Cherokee, and applied to get her back.  All along the adoptive parents said that no matter whether Veronica was Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, etc. they intended to expose her to her culture to make sure and let her know all about her heritage.

Well, guess what – it went all the way to the Supreme Court in South Carolina and THEY RULED FOR THE FATHER!!  She is now living in Oklahoma with the Dad.

Apparently, there is an appeal going on to overturn an Indian law from 1978.

Can you imagine what this is doing to the parents after 9 failed in-vitro attempts and finally getting such a beautiful child?  Can you imagine what it is doing to Veronica?

Anyway, I’m appalled that this can happen in today’s society.  Let’s cheer for the adoptive parents AND for Veronica to get back to her loving home!!  I’m waiting to get the results of that appeal and hope people use their common sense!

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Anyway, there is some rustling still going on in the corner, with pink ‘stuff’ moving every now and then and still a lot of staring going on……………..but…………..it is 5:30 am and not a good time for a chocolate bar, so she’s going to have to wait – I’m going down for a nap.  She can suffer for awhile.

Hope everyone has a good day!


  1. This news story is very sad.
    I think if they put just the parents adoptive and biological in a room with the baby they could reach a solution that would be fair to the child. This is probably about civil rights and making a stand rather than the little baby.
    Dianne you are asking some really tough questions today of which I have no answers but I love your view to see so much wildlife right from your window must be wonderful. I can visualize Myrtle with her tutu moving every few minutes thinking about those goodies. you go Myrtle!
    Thank you for your blog today.
    Have a good one Dianne
    gloria xxoo

  2. thning of you Dianne


  3. I enjoyed your blog today, the adoption story is so sad and I hope there will be a good outcome for the adoptive parents. Is this story
    on Fox News how did you hear about it, I would like to follow it further.
    Hope you get your strength back keep up the good work.
    How is Bob

    Bill and Mary

  4. I too am wondering where this story came from and if it's someone you know. It's so unfair and it makes one wonder about the fairness to Veronica. I hope it works itself out in the best way for the little on and her adoptive parents who have cared for her all this time. I hope today is a better day for you. xox Linda

  5. I am sure that they have email, if they are smart enough to stay in the bush and hide when hunting season is on then they no how to play on the internet, and about the birds we don't live in god's country you have all the beautiful birds.Keep blogging it is like having Mon and Dad back again you two have the same humor we love it. Rose and Wayne xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  6. I love that survival kit message. You might remember at Michael and Grace's wedding I did a similar kit for them to begin their life together as a married couple. They loved it, and try to live it each and every day.
    Good to hear all is well in Mt. Forest. Keep up the good eating habits, it will pay off. Just ditch MM to the curb, pink tutu and all!!!
    Love ya both
